Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wednesday -- Sydney, NS

Wednesday in Sydney, Nova Scotia. Not sure why they stop here. There's not much to see unless you pay for an excursion, which we didn't. We're glad for the "down time", as we've been keeping pretty busy. The WiFi is readily available and free in the cruise terminal, so Paul's taking the opportunity to use the laptop and to get caught up on email, blog entries, etc. Sue has already been through all of the shops and is now sitting nearby, people-watching. She's not impressed and has announced, "This is a boring spot. Why did they stop here?" The ship's crew, those with the day off, seem to be doing the same thing, catching up with home via email. A lot of iPads are in use by the crew. Amazing, how many are carrying smart phones, too, both passengers and crew. Paul carried iPhone, iPad and laptop ashore, "just in case", and downloaded another Kindle book to all three devices so he can read anywhere onboard. A passenger can't be too well prepared! Sue hasn't been "in the mood", yet, to start a book -- paper, of course. Maybe that's why she's keeping Paul on his toes, eating on a schedule and heading to each evening's show by 7:45 to get a good seat. It's quite a routine. Gotta get her into a book!


  1. I was just corrected by Sue: "I'm 4 chapters into a new book by a new author! That's a lie!"

    Sorry, Sue...


  2. Are you sure it was Wednesday ? Did your underwear match ? KAØGYF


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